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A member registered May 03, 2018

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Hmm, I wonder how it is 25% ;) But I would argue that my skill is probably more than 25% rustier than it was ;)

Besides, I think adding an option to restart from the current room (but instead of fully restoring, just restore the rabbit to the HP it had when it entered the room) when game over may be a good way to ease some frustration. Players can still choose to restart from save points if they had actually screwed the run several rooms ago, or if they are simply hardcore ;) I just thought of this when I received your message, so forgive me that I didn't mention it earlier.

Btw, is the old save file compatible to this  new version?

Thanks for updating, and for informing me! But I just finished another unique yet frustrating game yesterday, so I guess I’ll need some easier games to ease my broken spirit recently;)

oh, uh, didn’t think of that;)

BTW, there seems to be some little typos and such. The last line of the old man in the extra dungeon is “good look young rabbit...”, which I suppose should’ve been “good luck”? And about the squirrel behind the 6 barriers, there was a exclamation mark before all barriers are off, but they are gone when I finally can actually reach where it was...

I tried. My first try ended at the first room, and the second ended at the 3rd or the 4th I think, which introduced a new icicle-spitting red thing (I don’t remember its name, which is actually shown at the credits). That room seemed too overwhelming to me and didn’t seem to have any safe spots. And my completion rate shown at the save slot is 96% IIRC, which I guess means that there are still 10+ rooms ahead, if it’s calculated according to the number of rooms cleared, so I just put it away for now.

I believe so. I can’t have 450 HP without full upgrades, right? I think you need to clear all rooms to have enough points to trade for 450 HP, which include all upgrades rooms and gem rooms. And I do have 450 HP now.

Yeah, some easier modes would probably help more players to enjoy your fine work.

I must confess that I actually, um, cheated many times——by PRAYING that I can finally get to the next save points, after dozens of failures;) (following play to win and pay to win, now we have pray to win here!)

Thanks for putting your love into making this game!

I've got the normal ending with full Max HP and full upgrades (?). Didn’t think I’d make it this far...not sure if I have what it takes to beat the extra area though. A cool game for hardcore retro shooter fans! (Not me though, I could use easier difficulties:) And there are indeed more than 80 types of enemies!

HP 423 now. I can’t seem to get any more upgrades and I’m already at the surface. There are these muscular things guarding doors in volcano, snowy mountain and tower, the instant-kill lake, the gems gates, blocked area needing dash lv2 in Glum Vil, and the hidden areas left of volcano core that I can’t find the access. Still haven’t found dash lv2. Are these post-ending things or I can get them before passing the meteor-throwing guy (final boss?)?

Actually, I didn’t give up and now I’ve made it to toxic cavern (?). HP 388, dash lv1, bullet lv2, speed lv2, resistance lv2, dive lv1, and green and red gems. Yet, it’s still frustrating to beat the new seems that I need to pass 10+ rooms for the next save points once I got killed (again). The first save point in toxic cavern has lv2 blocks that require dash lv2 to destroy, right? And I haven’t got that yet.

I’ve reached HP 255, bullet lv2, all the others lv1. Sorry but I think I will just give it up here, for it’s just too frustrating for me to go through the same rooms again and again and again trying to beat the room in the end of the sequence...I can see a lot of thoughts put into making all the hundreds of rooms, but it’s just too hard for me.

I’d suggest that maybe those rooms with barriers that disappear after all enemies wiped out can become such that those barriers don’t respawn. Those rooms are well designed to offer good challenges, but enemies in this game are generally quite tough and requires a lot of hit to defeat (or I just miss out on an attainable bullet upgrade somewhere?), so going through them a second time should probably be faster once the challenge is solved. 

I somehow make it further and now I have 207 HP, Dash lv1, bullet lv1, resistance lv1 and diving, yet I still can’t seem to pass the other 2 paths in electric city. And I feel that I can’t deal enough damage to proceed east from the first save point in deep water. The shell thing is quite tough (it only becomes vulnerable for a short window), and after dealing with it and proceeding to the next room, I don’t have enough light to deal with the turtle thing, and these two rooms only offer clear path after enemies are all gone...

This game is indeed quite challenging and feels quite non-linear, but I’m not sure I can finish it...

I found 3 new paths after beating the first boss, and the upper 2 are too hard for me. I managed to pass the southwest one which is guarded by 2 ghosts (?), and now I’ve reached the volcano zone. I met 2 mid-bosses (?) that look the same, and I’m trying to figure out how to defeat them. I hope there are save points before those two boss rooms though...

Not sure if I’ve missed any upgrade, but I can’t seem to proceed after I got dash and the first bullet upgrade. Enemies on all possible paths are just too difficult: the areas are tight, or their numbers are too many, or they hit hard and also has high hp, or all of the above combined...not sure if I just suck at this or if I’ve missed something...